Are you a black male or female that suffers from unwanted facial and body hairs?
Is you skin suffering from bumps, ingrown hairs and mostly darker discoloration?
Is shaving painful that leaves you with bleeding open wounds?
Are you a female that is hiding her face under a ton of make -up to cover up the excessive facial hair growth?
Are you a female that has body hair where you do not think a woman should have hairs growing?
Are you vastly overweight with heavy and painful menstrual cycles?
Are you gaining weight even though you do not eat as much?
Are you tired most of the time during the day?
If your answer is YES to any and or all the above questions then you found the right place for your problems. Miami Laser Hair Removal & Skin Care Clinic in Bay Harbor specializes in dark and black skin color. With experience of over 30 years and is the only place in Miami/Miami Beach that can solve your skin problems and unwanted facial/body hairs.
Miami Laser Hair Removal Clinic is located in Bay Harbor at the same location for the last 21 years. Proudly and professionally servicing people with dark and black pigmented skin.
Miami Laser Hair Removal & Skin Care Clinic offers the only FDA approved laser hair removal treatment and machine that will not discolor and or burn dark and black skin. CoolGlide laser will gently destroy all the unwanted facial and body hairs. CoolGlide the only FDA approved laser for black skin that can treat any part of your body. Be it your face, upper lip, side burns, chin, neck, forehead, ears, chest, areolas, under arms, arms, hands, toes, fingers, buttocks, legs, bikini, and back.
These treatments are permanent hair removal, but they are not a one time treatment. Treatments need to be repeated every 4-6 weeks. The reason for this is that human hairs grow in circles and stages. In order for laser to destroy the hair follicles, the hair has to be in the growing stage. Growing stage happens only once every 3 months for about 2 weeks.The rest of the time the hairs go through different cycles of hair growth and cannot be destroyed, only weakened. Therefore, you need to do a series of treatments to destroy the hairs permanently. After each treatment you will see a substantial reduction of regrowth. Ingrown hairs are also going to disappear. Your facial hairs, bumps, curled up ingrown hairs, purple discoloration and painful razor bumps, will be totally eliminated. A clearer and more even skin toned face will emerge as soon as you start you laser hair removal treatments.
Miami Lase Hair Removal also has its unique technique to eliminate most of the discomfort of the laser hair removal treatment.
Our vast experience in the treatment of black skin will provide you with the most suitable skin care treatments and products for your skin. Our facials are customized to each individuals needs. For instance if you have enlarged pores, around your nose and cheeks, or very oily bumpy skin, we can treat and eliminate it with our customized abrasions and ultrasonic treatments. Please remember that black skin is very different then white skin, and what is suitable for white skin is not suitable for dark skin. One has to be very carefull not to use harsh products and or treatments on dark and black skin as that can create more discoloration. It is also very important to understand that black skin contrary to popular belief needs to be protected from the UVA's harmful sun rays. It is a misconception to believe that just because your skin is dark you do not need to protect it from the ultra violet rays. Sun block or zinc should be a part of your daily routine. Did you know that there is a steady rise in skin cancer in the black population? So remember smart and good advice is hair free, bump free, acne free skin starts with Miami Laser Hair Removal & Skin Care Clinic and ends with a sun block.
For more information please call: 305.864.3333
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